Bursa Trigger


I have a Bursa Trigger who is about 3' to 4'inches long. When I first got him he was not aggressive at all, not the story now. He won't let me put a snail or anything in his tank. He will get along with other fish as long as they can hold thier own. Any suggestions on a good tankmate for him? Another Trigger? Anything but a Damsel.
triggers are very territorial fish. they eat snails, crabs, even damsels. it depends on how big your tank is to see what you can add. if he is already comfortable in his space then nothing can be introduced. you can try other fish that are bigger and aggressive but you still have to take that chance..in my opinion take him out...start over then put him last. go slow...........


What size tank do you have? If it is in one of your tanks, I wouldn't add another trigger. A good tank mate would be a large snowflake eels. You shouldn't of put the bursa trigger in first. Bursa triggerfish are one of the more aggressive triggerfish. Since you added it in first it will become the king of the tank. Fish you add will get beat up by it, for territories in your tank. But if you get a tough fish, it may hold it's ground. Bursa triggerfish get up to 9 in. which will be bigger than your tanks. Are you planning on upgrading to at least a 75 gallon tank? If not than you may have to get rid of your trigger when it gets bigger.


Yes I knew eventually because of size I would either have to upgrade or get rid of him. Thinking about donating him to the Newport Aquarium. Could get larger tank but I'm more into the inverts and he does'nt get along. He was my 1st saltwater fish before I got into anything so have an attachment. Thanks for the advise.