bursa trigger


I was at my lfs and i saw i really tiny bursa trigger like 1.5" that seemed not as agressive as a niger that was in the same tank. I was wondering how long it would tank for him to outgrow my tank. He is also only $18 and is in good condition. He is on hold so that I could ask you guys. Also in 3 or 4 years I am converting my 90 gallon to salt. Thanx.


he'll outgrow your 29 gallon pretty quickly. I think sooner than 3 or 4 years, but in the new tank you would be able to keep it. I have found and have read that bursa triggers are a little on the meaner side. They are the meanest of the rhinecanthus family. BUT, he isn't as mean as he sounds. He will only be mean if you have smaller fish. Great fish though. But I must warn you that trading him in will be a hard thing to do.