Butcher's Bill: 3 more Damsels


Last night I posted "possible popeye" Didnt know for sure. Fish acting normally. This morning, that fish was dead along with two other damsels. The two other damsels appeared normal. Does anyone know the life cycle of these fish? I also posted my water parameters as well in that thread.
Oh, and one of the hermit crabs was munching on my yellow tail blue damsel. I think he was mad cause I interrupted his breakfast.


Sorry for the loss.
Its important to examin the corps to get clues as to what happend.
Did the eyes remain cloudy
Gill red?
any unusual marks, abrasions, cuts
Any type of dusting on the scales, white spots, etc...
Anything else you can remember?


The only thing out of the ordinary was the loss of coloration of the blue damsel. The other ones, nothing abnormal. I checked my Nitrates earlier this evening. They were between 10-20. I know that's acceptable. I even checked to see if I had toxic Iron (chelated?) Nothing of the sort. Now my yellow tang, started looking ragged. spots on his pectoral fins, then just before, when I looked at him under the light a certain way, he appeared to have white spots on him also. Plus my wife noticed red streaks on the side of his nose. Now, after reading posts on here, I know that's not good.
I attempted to catch him and put him in my Hospital tank for hypo treatment, but couldnt catch him. So, I took out my few pieces of live rock, and any snails and hermits I had, put them in the QT at normal salinity, and just did hypo on my display tank. I know that's not good for my LS but, that's all I could think of right now. I'm down to 1.014. I'll try to get it lower tomorrow morning....assuming he survives.
It's really getting me frustrated so much so, that, it's all I can think about. :scared: :mad: