butterflies and angels


Active Member
i have a 30 gal and i would like to know if there are any easy to care for angel fish or butterflie fish that would fit in a 30 i was thinking a coral beauty or a falme angel along with a longnose hawkfish they wouldnt be going in a long time
also how long after the cycle should i add before add a new fish
help anyone

thanx in advance


New Member
I have a coral beauty in my 30 gal reef and has done great for over a year. Personally one of my favorites and is listed as an easy angel to care for.
Cycle? Do you mean a new set up?
Add coralvital to your tank...this is great for adding new fish and maintaining the tank.


Active Member
when he says "cycle" he is referring to the cycle that every new tank goes through at the beginning of its life .. it's where the tank gets very dirty then suddenly gets clean again .. to answer your question .. the cycle should last anywhere from 2 weeks to a month .. the way you can tell when it is over is you can look at your tank and see it get dirty then when it gets clean again test your water quality every other day until the water is good enough to add fish .. and yes .. you could probably add any dwarf angel you want .. I would recoment either a flame angel or a lemonpeel angel .. I've owned a flame angel before and they're great fish ..


Active Member
There are no butterflies that will do well long term in a 30 gallon. IMO, even centropyge angels need more space. They are fairly active. The C. argi (cherub angel) is a smaller species that would work.
Also, bear in mind that angels and butterflies have a much better chance of survival if placed into a mature, stable system (read 6 months or more). They are not good beginner fish and placing them in newly cycled tanks is not advisable. Let the tank age awhile, making sure the parameters are consistantly stable. Have a good amount of live rock for shelter and grazing. Your chance of success will be greater.


New Member
bill109...Do you know anyone with an established tank close to you? If so, see if they are do for a waterchange and use there dirty water in your new set up. This will help add needed nutrients to your tank and cut the cycle if half. Use half dirty and half new water, let sit for a week, and test. If all is good, add live rock and let sit for around a couple days, and test again. If everything is fine, you can add fish. I have done this with both my tanks and have never lost a fish. I have had my 30 gal reef set up for 4 years and with in 3 weeks of the first setup I added my anemone and he is still doing great. My parents have always had saltwater tanks and this is how they set theres up too and have great looking tanks without loosing fish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by trble15
bill109...Do you know anyone with an established tank close to you? If so, see if they are do for a waterchange and use there dirty water in your new set up. This will help add needed nutrients to your tank and cut the cycle if half. Use half dirty and half new water, let sit for a week, and test. If all is good, add live rock and let sit for around a couple days, and test again. If everything is fine, you can add fish. I have done this with both my tanks and have never lost a fish. I have had my 30 gal reef set up for 4 years and with in 3 weeks of the first setup I added my anemone and he is still doing great. My parents have always had saltwater tanks and this is how they set theres up too and have great looking tanks without loosing fish.
i dont know maybe the lfs hes got 40 gallons out today or yesterday.. i wasnt sure about a butterflie but was hoping on a dearf angel. my tank is just about cycled maybe has a few more days and was owndring how long i should wait befroe adding fish after the cycle i have some nitrite.. i believe so its either at the end or the begining of the trite cycle isnt ammonia caused y trites then everything changes into nitrates? im new so bear with me


Active Member
if you're wondering about the cycle it's ammonia then nitrites then nitrates .. once you're nitrites go down do a water change and you'll be able to do a water change .. this should take about a month


Your tank is no where near cycled! Good god, don't tell people that! If you keep adding and subtracting like you have been since you started the tank last week, it's never going to finish cycling.


Active Member
Originally Posted by saltfreak4
Your tank is no where near cycled! Good god, don't tell people that! If you keep adding and subtracting like you have been since you started the tank last week, it's never going to finish cycling.
i know i went to the lfs and it has a littel trites and im not dure weather its going up or down i guessing up i am pretty sure i know this so you dont have to tell me again but THANKYOU or the help
BTW i havent added or subtracted NE thing
and this is for future help


Originally Posted by bill109
my tank is just about cycled maybe has a few more days
See above. Your tank is not just about cycled. You didn't take the fish out that you started to cycle with? Thought you were taking those back?


Don't remember the long thread with the cycling fish??? Did you take those back??? Then you subtracted. If you didn't take those back then you lied, either way.......


Active Member
Originally Posted by saltfreak4
Don't remember the long thread with the cycling fish??? Did you take those back??? Then you subtracted. If you didn't take those back then you lied, either way.......
noo i suvtracted but my tank is turning brown and my test are comming up just about cycled with just a blush of nitites i believe but just a blush my tank is brown and i was told it would clean up