Butterfly--one dead another with symptoms.


after 28 days just lost Blackback butterfly,
he appeared to be in good health and was constantly graging on the live rock.He would
not eat live brine shrimp or any of the various flakes offered.4 days prior to
showing any stress, he began to eat spirilina
flakes, then two days later actually started
eating a few brine shrimp and regular flakes.
It then stopped eating all together, sat idle
with fins extended for two days and then
lay on the bottom as a buffet for my cleaner
shrimp until iI removed him. A day after
his death my CopperBanded Butterfly has quit
eating and spends a lot of time idle near the surface, I fear he will soon expire after
two months in my care.
My water conditions are excellent.All other
fish including a flame angel are doing well.
I know copperbanded are a bit finicky but
would appreciate any comments.


Staff member
"graging on the live rock" What does that mean? Scraping??
You likely introduced a sick fish to your tank. what type of setup do you have, FO, FOWLR, or reef? Do you have a hospital tank, and how many fish do you have?


sorry,typo..I meant grazing,feeding.
I have 150 gal fowlr appx 90lbs lives rock.
2 blueyellow tail damsel
2 dominoes
1 yellow wrasse
1 gold maroon clown
1 flame angel
1 copperband butterfly
1 long tenalcled anemone
1 pink & green cucumber
1 brown knobby cucumber
1 cleaner shrimp
several small hemits and snails
no hospital.
They were picking on the cucumber,,possible


Thanks, Terry B, I think u are correct,
almost all the food fare you recommened were
offered but not accepted.He only took the live brine shrimp, but I only supplied them
3/4 days a week.The other days, the other various fare were supplied. The copperband
passed yesterday.The Blackback only picked
from the liverock until it finally accepted
the spirulina.