Butterflyfish in a small tank


New Member
Would it be fair to keep a Kline's Butterfly fish in a 10 gallon fish only tank? This tank has been set up for about a year and holds a firefish goby right.


Active Member
I think you know the answer to your question, but if you're looking for opinions - I don't feel it would be fair ;)


New Member
I also believe that it wouldn't be fair to the fish 10 gal. is far too small I think the recommended size is at least 55-60 gal.


New Member
Yeah, you are right. I am trying to get the money together to get a larger tank. I have been in the hobby for a number of years and kept butterfly fish in a 110 gallon tank when I was in high school. Hopefully I will get enough money to purchase a 55 gallon and start over again.
I may have it in a 20g tank, being the only fish and lots of stuff for it to swim in and out of

kris walker

Active Member
KarTrax, as you may also realize, it depends on the size of the fish. If it is a fry, then it is fine. If it is several inches long, then I don't think it would be fair either. You didn't mention the size. :)