Button Polyps


I just recently purchased 17 pounds of live rock that contained several button polpys. One of the polyps was rather large and an interesting addition to my aquarium. I have just begun the cycling process in my aquarium and my ammonia levels are still moderatly high. Just a few moments ago the large polyp collaspsed and appears to be dead. All of the smaller polyps are still alive and appear to be doing fine. Why did this happen and is their anything else I can do to further reduce the chance of losing more of these beautiful invertabrates.

nm reef

Active Member
Lerch....sadly yes!!!!
Do not add any other type coral until the initial cycle is complete and your system is stable.
I would also suggest that you research the needs of any and all additions prior to adding them. Reason being research would definitely oindicated that the death of your polyp was most likely the result of exposure to toxic levels of ammonia!!!


Active Member
NM is right... don't add anything else until your cycle is complete, and your water parameters are stable. The cycle occurs because you are introducing waste to the tank, and there are not enough bacteria to efficiently break down the waste. This causes very high levels of ammonia, followed by high nitrites and nitrates... all necessary steps in the process. High levels of any or all of these things can kill stock in a hurry. Once the bacteria community is established, the waste will be broken down more efficiently, causing little to no change in ammonia, trites or trates. This is when your cycle is done. Only then can you start to add stock to you tank.
Do some more research on cycling and starting new tanks. This is the most critical time for your tank... make sure you do it right.
75g Reef
My Site
My polyps do this when they catch food, kind of close up and lean over. Maybe this is what yours has done, watch and see if it is better later on.
Wait to add more though.


My polyps didn't die, I guess reef rat was right, about a half hour after I posted my letter he stood back up and began feeding again. I was not purposly putting inverts in my aquarium since I figured they would die, I was just trying to add more live rock and they were attached to it.