Button Polyups


New Member
I've got two colonies of button polyups in my tank, one grew from the live rock on its own the other purchased @ the lfs. About two week ago they both just closed up and refuse to open, all water parameters are within tolerances and I've made no system changes other than a fresh actinic bulb in the hood and started to add PhytoPlex & Coral.Accel once a week as a supplments. What do button polyup like in the way of tank conditions ??


New Member
Lighting; 4 tube 36 in. 30 watt w/ 2 ea. 50/50 and 2 ea. magactinic 03 strong
SG 1.024 PH 8.3 Ammonia-0 No2-0 No3-10 Po4-0.3 Alk 1.9 milli equivalents/liter & calcium @ 450 ppm
Dlight6900: good brain food -turn the tank over about 4 times per hr. w/ pump & sump @ 55 gal.


My parameters are just about the same in my tank as mad_dog and I have the same situation.
They started it about a week ago. Now some are opening, but some are shut tight. All the other corals and anenomes are fine otherwise.
If anyone knows whats up I would sure like to hear what it is!!


New Member
I've followed the thread on overdose of Iodine and have been only using 1/2 tsp. per week (1/2 recommended dosage) for several months now. The most frustrating part is that the first colony grew by itself from the live rock which would indicate ideal tank conditions for growth. Mystery to Me