Button/Star Polyps


Active Member
I started with them and they have been very easy.some current, not a lot and can put they don't have to have the very bright light. Mushrooms and colt coral have been easy for me too, same conditions, maybe a little less current for them. :)
i have a bunch of star polyps in my tank .. it was on the life rock when i got it ... i think its cool and i don't do anything out of the ordinary for them


Active Member
I got a little patch that I did not even know about as a hitchhiker on a mushroom rock and since then it has been trying to take the rock over.


Active Member
Star polyps are execelent for a new tank. The only bad thing about them is they can grow quickly. Even over other corals. I just put my star polyps and some encrusting gorgonians against my back glass.. In about 3 months, should not have to clean the back anymore! :)