Buying a 29 gallon BioCube HGI wondering what I should put into it.


New Member
I know what I want to do with but I have no clude what to put into it. Also wondering if I should put a jet into it for alittle more waterflow. Im getting it next friday but was wondering if you guys had any ideas of what I could do with it. Im getting this little tank to experiment with coral and such becuase I own a 55 gallon sw tank but I dont want to invest alot of money into the light system until I know I can keep it going properly.


They're great little tanks.
You basically can keep any type of coral you want under that lighting. I have heard some people having issues with corals that require lower lighting because the light can be a little intense.
Start with the easier corals (zoanthids, mushrooms, etc) and work your way up to the harder corals as your tank matures.
Have you given any thought to what fish you'd like to keep in it?
And yes, I would recommend an extra powerhead for more water movement.