Buying a new nano.. need info


New Member
Im looking at getting a nano until i can setup a big tank again, i miss looking at the little fish :( haha. Im wondering which would be better to go with, one of the new LED nanos or a Halide one. Also, i see some with refuges do they typically come with one or is it a attach for the back or what. I havent rly looked into the nanos much but im looking at getting a 20+ gallon one and i wanted to know what would be BEST for fps / lps. Would u recomend getting a small chiller for it?
Thanks for the info ahead of time, appreciate it ALOTTTT.


Active Member
from what Ive been reading as long as the top is off when using the halide, should be fine.
Im in the same boat as the addiction is coming back


Active Member
Get a Red Sea Max! I've had all kinds of nano cubes in the past and I still maintain that the Red Sea Max is the best tank for your buck. The 130 model is 34 gallons and the 250 model is 66 gallons. They're more expensive than a normal JBJ 28g but they come with a great skimmer and more than sufficient lighting.


Active Member
I saw a HQI Biocube (28 gal?) in store the other day. Crazy awesome system. Has lights, tank, filters, and a refugium built in.. crazy cool. If I would've known about that system I would have gotten it rather than the JBJ 12 gallon.