Buying a New Tank


I'm buying a tank of my own for the first time, im excited because my parents had one a few years ago and there were a bunch of cool little things in there, they had a 75gallon tank but, being the poor college student I am, I need something a little smaller 14 gallon maybe? Anyway I just want a few funky looking fish and shrimp and some crabs, does anyone know anything about a Bio Cube Nano System? It has all the things I need included, or at least i think so. I really don't know anything about the hobby and i would like the setup and stuff to be as simple as possible. Any suggestions?


Active Member
well u came to the right place there are many helpful people here... im not too familiar with the setups on nano tanks but there is a whole forum with those tanks that people could help u with....
just remember smaller tanks require more stable situations and can only house a few things compared to larger tanks
either way welcome to a fun hobby ask questions do some research get urself a book and have fun


Active Member
It's recomended that you have at least a 20 g if you want to put fish in it. Money is definitely a limiting factor, but even nano tanks can cost a lot. If that's what you're interested in you should post something in the nano forum. If you haven't done any research yet you should buy a book and look on here before you go out and buy anything. The Conscientious Marine Aquarist is a good book. And just so you kow, I just started and I'm in college too. I'm living in an apartment and I have a 55 g so it can be done, but I basically busted all my summer money on it as well as limiting the amount of movies and restaurant dining I do in order to pay for it. But it's all worth it, this is the most fascinating hobby I've had so far.