buying an aquarium

cool guy

New Member
Hello all,
I am just getting ready to buy me a saltwater tank and I am thinking of buying either a 110 gallon or a 150 gallon tank. I have always had freshwater fish and they are easy to take care of. I am wanting to take the task of saltwater. Is it easy or hard to take care of? Also can you all give me some advise on what to look for when shopping. I have been doing some research but I am better with taking advise from those who have had some experience. Also can you send me some pics of your tanks if you will. One other question is how can I e-mail people that are on the boards and what are some easy ways of using this sight. Like I said I am new to this and a friend told me of this website. This is my first time on it?
Thanks for all your help and consideration!


Active Member
well.... saltwatertanks are easy anh hard.. depending on what u want to do with it.. like if u want a coral tank then it's the harder 1.. but if u want a fish only one then it's perdy easy.. then u can go inbetween and do a fish only w/live rock (fowlr) i myself have a 155 bowfront (bf) fowlr... but currently building a or rather .. starton a 90 coral me.. it's well worth the trouble... it's not too much trouble.. neck it's a lot easier then keeping other pets ..(like cats/dog) .. the basics to it is easy... 30% water change at minimal every month.. test water at least 1x a month.. and feed fish ...clean filter material ..if used.. perdy much all i do...but hey.. look around and read a lot befor u start a tank... that way u dont get any surprises....
when looking for a tank.. cheack the seems of the tank.. u want it too look nice and clean.. no bubbles ....and if the tank is over 48''( i think thats the size ) then it will need a brace along the top for sapport...whenther u get a acrylic or glass it's up to u...