Buying and moving a 75 gallon tank


I am thinking of buying a 75-gallon tank from someone that is about 3 hours away from where I live. It is completely set up and full of live rock and livestock. Any suggestions on how to move it?
Also, the tank has some red slime algae. Is this a major problem? How do I get rid of it?


You'll need lots of rubbermaid containers/garbage cans. Get new ones-don't use ones that have had garbage in them. Put the live stock in one, the live rock in another and the substrate in another - Take some of the old water to cover the rock and substrate. You can keep the livestock in the containers once you get home if you add a powerhead and heater. Then you can take your time setting up the tank. Good Luck


just wondering if you have a tank at home set up??????if so use a few bags or buckets...get the stuff and get it home... the red slime should clear up with a good water change and proper lacation,as well as upkeep of the tank... The rock can be just covered with damp rags or paper from wetting from the tank.... put corals in individual containers for transportation...... ALSO if you have a good friend or are in good with a LFS see if you could bring the "livestock" over there until you get the tank up and running...... Good Luck
For moving the water go to a hardware store or wal*mart and get new gasolline cans. When you are done rinse them out good and return them. This is what my friend did. Package everything seperatly and do not feed the fish or invets within 36 hours of move date. Red algae can be taken care of that is the least of your wories right now. If it has a wet/dry filter store the bio balls in a bag with water. Since it is only 3 hours away you may not need a heat source. But to keep in heat packege the bags in those stirofoam coolers. To tie the bags you can eighter tie them or go to your local lfs. Most stores would be happy to help out. Hope this helps :cool: .
Adam :D