Buying another eel


I am looking for a new eel to put in my 110 gallon.. I'm going to buy a lionfish, dogface puffer, panther grouper and maybe a porcupine puffer. I already have an 20 inch SFE i want another eel tho do bring more bottom life. Anyone know where i should get an eel, that isnt to pricey but still looks amazing???


Active Member
Read the following thread about keeping eels together:
If you think it can be done in your tank, get a similar sized eel, and kind of reintroduce your old eel. I've heard of people reworking their LR so their older eel doesn't have a distinct territory, and this helps with introducing the new eel. It can be hard to have two eels, but not if you get a compatible species (another fairly passive eel) of similar size.
As to where to buy one, check around online, check this website, and start contacting local fish stores. It may take a bit if you're looking for a certain eel of certain size, my store takes a month or two to get some special orders in. Good luck.