Buying Aquarium


I am planning to buy soon an aquarium and stand. Are there any online sites that sell/ship for a good price? I noticed they don't sell on this site. The one I was considering is at a very good local store, it is a (real, not particleboard!) oak stand, bowfront 72gal all-glass tank. It is on sale $530. Hardened glass, so no drilling holes they tell me.
They said the manufacturer could build in a reef-ready kit, but the price is then $788.
What do you think of those prices? I love the stand and tank, but I've been told that having the overflow tube built in from the bottom is something I'd wish I had. (makes it quieter, take up less space, easier to maintain, etc., so I am told) Thanks!


Active Member
I started my reef with a 72 bowfront and paid about what you did from a LFS. I didn't get it reef ready/predrillled and wished I had. I didn't do enough research. While you might save up front, you'll limit yourself to so many options you'll regret the purchase.
I highly recommend a predrilled. My 2nd tank was a 125 pre drilled and is now my reef. So much easier and allows for so many more options. My 72 is now a discus tank and works great for that.
Just my.02