I have ordered from Bigfireworks.com, which is american eagle fireworks the last 3 years. I just got my order last week, 980 pounds. To be able to get the best prices you will have to buy by the case. Shipping was $180, but since there were no taxes I thought that worked out okay, taxes would have been about $160.
Depending on how much you want to spend, it may be a good idea to find a friend or two to order with you and you can split the cases up between you.
If you place an order today, you would probably have them by the end of the week. My order was placed on Friday and they were at my house on Tuesday.
Compare the case prices to the retail section and you will be amased. Alot of time you can get a case of 12 items for about the price of 3 items. On the 500 gram mulit shot items, some are cheaper to buy a case of 4, than buy 1 in the retail section.