Buying live rock over the internet


If I buy live rock over the internet and when it ships, can it freeze and if it does will it kill what is on it? Its really cold where I live right now. -20 degrees.


Damn that is cold. But if u buy it from a good reputable store they will probably put heat packs and insulate the LR. Trust me i live in MA we had a 5 day power outage and it was 20F. I ordered 60 lbs from a site and it had very little die off.


Have the carrier hold it at the closest location to you, and pick it up from them. I would not have it delivered to the house if it is that cold unless you will be there to get it right away. JMHO
Originally Posted by usirchchris
Have the carrier hold it at the closest location to you, and pick it up from them. I would not have it delivered to the house if it is that cold unless you will be there to get it right away. JMHO
This is also GREAT advice.


New Member
You should wait until January to buy anything alive online. With all of the Xmas deliveries it is possible that it could take far too long and you could get more die off from that.


I purchased some from an online supplier two weeks ago and it arrived just fine. And I'm from Minnesota and it's colder than he.. here. No heatpacks but it was packed in a styrofoam box with the cardboard box around it just like they send most of the other live fish and inverts. It's usually shipped two day.


Active Member
i bought all my rock at my favorite local fish store which happens to be the only store other than a ***** that sells any marine life what so ever.
but if the rock is in a box and its -20 out it could completely freeze


I have a question that kind fits right along with this guy's question. I purchased some LR from ---- ( I know, not the brightest thing so everyone can save the "you should have known better" speach, LOL) anyway, I never even gave the holiday a thought so I'm guessing its not going to have heat packs. Looks like the estimated arrival from UPS is 7 days. Is it possible that the rock will be salvageable? Worse case senario, if everything dies, can I clean it well and cure it with some good live rock and revive it? I will know better next time. Thanks for any advice.


Active Member
If you have it shipped pick it up at the station, I've had them deliver it to the door in the winter (live in North Dakota) and although I was there waiting on it to arrive it was on the truck all day in below 0 temps. You're always going to have some die offs... depending on how bad but you could rinse it in some water change water and try and get all the dead stuff off before you put it in the tank. Watch for a spike in parameters right away as well and be prepared for a water change or two.


Thanks guys. I'm going to hope for the best. I heard that after tomorrow the temp is supposed to go back to being in the 50's for a couple of days, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.