I tried to get a picture of the little creatures in my tank.
From all that I have heard, they are good. But, now my question.... I have high Nitrate...... how do I get it down?
I am very new, and am trying to take this slow.
Since a new LR was added on Christmas Eve, is it too late to add another before adding fish.
I would rather get my LR in my tank than to not have the look I want.
Also, can you have Coral with LR? I love the color of the Reef tanks.....
Right, no though, I just want to get something up and running.
If I need a "clean up crew" snails, do I add them when the Nitrate is high?
Or if a water change is needed, how do I chage it?
My salinity level is at .23 right now.. it has been low, but now
has been stable for about a week.
Since my salinity level is ok, do I add salt water or do I add treated fresh water?
I am sorry to ask so many questions, if there is anyone there that would not mind emailing me, please let me know....
I will give you my email address.