Buying Used Tank For Reef (HELP NEEDED)



I was offered a good deal by my LFS for a Used 40 Gallon Beeder, Drilled and with an overflow box. Now this is exactly the setup I wanted to go with for my reef.
The person at the LFS said there may have been medications used in the tank but all tanks were thoroughly cleaned and have been left dry and unused for 2 months. He said there would be no risk if I started a reef in the tank.
Overall, I'd be saving about $100 dollars and time going the used route.
My worries are about copper and how it can be aborbed into the sealant and leach out possibly hurting my inverts.
Is this a legitmate concern, or am I being overly paraniod?
Can any precautions be made? :confused:
Thanks for your help! :confused:


if the tank was treated with copper it is impossible to get it out totally. Maybe 99.99 can be removed but there will still be some trace elemnts in there. I think Bang Guy new of a way to possibly do it. Wait till he reads this post.


Active Member

Originally posted by Irenicus
I was offered a good deal by my LFS for a Used 40 Gallon Beeder, Drilled and with an overflow box. Now this is exactly the setup I wanted to go with for my reef.
The person at the LFS said there may have been medications used in the tank but all tanks were thoroughly cleaned and have been left dry and unused for 2 months. He said there would be no risk if I started a reef in the tank.
Overall, I'd be saving about $100 dollars and time going the used route.
My worries are about copper and how it can be aborbed into the sealant and leach out possibly hurting my inverts.
Is this a legitmate concern, or am I being overly paraniod?
Can any precautions be made? :confused:
Thanks for your help! :confused:

legit concern, iw ouldn't do it , i'd buy it brand new
by saving 100 you run the risk of somthign ocming back into the water

salty cheese

Active Member
Maybe they could fill it with salt water, let it sit for a few days and then test it for copper. :thinking:
Not sure if that would work, just a thought.


Active Member
I'd agree with others here, its some risk. It only takes a small amount of copper to be a problem in a reef. If its only 100 off, which doesnt sound like a good deal anyway, Id get new, it will last you longer and no worries about stuff thats been in the tank. Or you could go the opposite way see how low he will go for your concerns, remember this stuff used goes for about half the price of new so id start negociating around that range....


Active Member
If you're willing to do the work, couldn't you remove the old silicone and put in a new bead? I don't think the glass itself holds any copper.
It just keeps leaching slowly ,Thats why they use it in anti fouling paint .It just keeps falling out or off slowly.
Go with the New Tank my Friend.


Active Member
I wouldn't buy any tank used unless it was over a 100g. and I got an awesome deal on it because little tanks aren't that exspensive and i'd rather be safe and spend the extra money.