Bye Bye Little Fishy


Active Member
This is a BTA that i'm trying to bring back to life, he was in horrible condition when I got him fromm the LFS, he's really starting to plump up and his color is getting back to normal. This is the same BTA that I think ate my Blue Spotted Jawfish...Argh Huff Snortt &^%$%^$ Really had to think hard if I wanted to save him after that expensive dinner....


Active Member
I know the feeling. I had a BTA that once t settled in and found a spot it was pretty well just a commn feature inthe tank and never had a problem. Then I started to miss critters, and within the space of a week or so I lost my 2 cleaner shrimp, yellow clown goby and a fire fish.......and I do believe he had something to do with thredissapearance of a cherub angle initially which was the first victim. I had never most a critter until after the BTA was introduced, and have not lost a thing since I removed it. I swapped it in on another pice of frogspawn. The other day when I talked to the lfs owner, he told me that bta managed to put a dent in the shrimp in that tank it ws in as well. Prior to that he had never had problems with BTA eating up his livestock in his sales tanks until this one came along...