c balance......anyone have any probs with it??


i was just wondering if any of you all use c balance or a similar two part additive....alk/cal additive...well anyway...i was wondering if you all have had any probs with it.....i am using c balance and i am adding 15ml to my 36g tank every night.....does that sound like too much....is it okay to add that much at one time or should i add half in the morning and half at night.........


Active Member
I used it for a little while and had good coralline growth with it. I put the calcium during the day and the alk at night. I put 2 capfuls of each every day in a 55 gallon.


two cap fulls of the 16oz bottles or the gallon juggs......i am adding....15ml per day of both part A and B......it said to begin with 5ml/20g per day.....max dose is 1ml/2g per day....i have a 36g tank and i am adding 15ml per day and i still have not seen my calcium go above 400ppm!...what am i doing wrong......


Active Member
c balance is not really designed to raise levels only to maintain them. To raise the calcium quickly try one of the concentrated forms like Kents liquid or turbo calcium.


New Member
I ran out of my usual additives Eco Systems "Reef". My LSF was out too, so I went with the C Balance. All my polyps began not to open as much, growth began to stop, and I got a nasty bloom of algae. Finally my LSF got Eco Systems "Reef" in stock again. My tank is up and growing again. You guys should check out the Eco Systems "Reef". It's wonderful. I never used anything so great. It prevents disease and makes your tank VERY happy.