c/c to live sand


Active Member
This is what I posted in response to CorvetteV12TTNOS's ? about switching to LS. I hope it provides the neccessary information.
I changed from CC to a DSB last weekend, and it went great. I got it done in one Saturday, and I started by removing the LR, moving the livestock to the QT tank, removing the water, and then removing the CC(I dumped it in our pond/lake). I put in the PlaySand, the LS, and then brought the salinity up to 1.020. Don't forget to leave room for the LR, because this will raise the water level. I turned on all filters, and waited for the water to clear. I then placed the LR in a new arrangement, which I believe is better than original, because it now looks like a reef, and no longer like a lagoon. You will probably find it hard to take your eyes of your tank. Mine is beautiful now, and has plenty of sand area, and now the corals really seem to fit in together. I have the livestock listed below in my signature, and all are doing fine and I did it all without an ammonia spike like what occurs for most. All tanks are different, and it just depends on tank size, amount of LR, how much LS you plan on putting in, whether it be completely LS or a mix of PlaySand and LS, I prefer the latter. I believe that a DSB really benefits a tank, even if it is only aesthetically, and I would never do anything but after I have had experience with a DSB. HTH