After several weeks of debating if it was worth giving a shot or not I was not going to attempt to get clowns for my tank because of my condy. However my girlfriend got me three false percs today and had them acclimating In a 2.5g beta bowl when i came home. So i decided rather than take them back to the LFS. (thereby hurting her feelings and still not knowing how it would work) I would give it a shot and just monitor them closly for awhile to see how things go. I will document this here for any that may have similar concerns, thinking of attempting, or even accidently attempting this.
Day 1
Current contents 10 cirith snails (+ babies no idea how many but i have seen several on the glass) 10 blue leg crabs (tad smaller than a dime) 2 choc chip stars 1 brittle star,C. Gigantia in tank for 3 weeks. No new additions till today's Three false percs. All 3 Osc 1" give or take .05"
Water parameters
salinity 1.026
ammonia 0ppm
nitrite 0ppm
nitrate 7ppm
2:40 drip acclimate in 2.5g beta bowl at the side of the tank all in all about 6" from the anemone. 1/2 silverside fed to anemone 15 min before adding clowns.
Clowns added
First 20min in tank stayed in the back behind a piece of live rock.
min 24 one clown breaks away fromt he other two and over to anemone. Anemone pulls tenticle away, clown also swims away and goes to bottom left corner. Aparently playing in current.
Min 32 other two clowns begining to explore the right side of their new home (side away from anemone)
Min 48 Two clowns Join other clown playing in current ignoring anemone.
Min 1:22 All three clowns swimming near anemone. Anemone drawing in tenticles.
min 2:14 All three clowns still around anemone. Anemone begins "relaxing" and tenticles return to normal.
Min 2:45 Clowns (all three) return to right side of tank sitting in a smallish cave in LR.
min 3:09 one clown (same that broke off from group before) breaks off from group and does some exploring on its own. Begins swimming circles around CC star at min 3:12
Min 3:42 Rebel clown Still hanging out with CC star. Other two clowns swimming around all over tank.
Min 4:03 Now this is just odd Rebel clown rubbing its sides on CC star. CCstar begins moving.
Min 4:10 CC star on glass Clown still following it around. (OMG please tell me my clown is not going to host a CC star lol)
Day 1
Current contents 10 cirith snails (+ babies no idea how many but i have seen several on the glass) 10 blue leg crabs (tad smaller than a dime) 2 choc chip stars 1 brittle star,C. Gigantia in tank for 3 weeks. No new additions till today's Three false percs. All 3 Osc 1" give or take .05"
Water parameters
salinity 1.026
ammonia 0ppm
nitrite 0ppm
nitrate 7ppm
2:40 drip acclimate in 2.5g beta bowl at the side of the tank all in all about 6" from the anemone. 1/2 silverside fed to anemone 15 min before adding clowns.
Clowns added
First 20min in tank stayed in the back behind a piece of live rock.
min 24 one clown breaks away fromt he other two and over to anemone. Anemone pulls tenticle away, clown also swims away and goes to bottom left corner. Aparently playing in current.
Min 32 other two clowns begining to explore the right side of their new home (side away from anemone)
Min 48 Two clowns Join other clown playing in current ignoring anemone.
Min 1:22 All three clowns swimming near anemone. Anemone drawing in tenticles.
min 2:14 All three clowns still around anemone. Anemone begins "relaxing" and tenticles return to normal.
Min 2:45 Clowns (all three) return to right side of tank sitting in a smallish cave in LR.
min 3:09 one clown (same that broke off from group before) breaks off from group and does some exploring on its own. Begins swimming circles around CC star at min 3:12
Min 3:42 Rebel clown Still hanging out with CC star. Other two clowns swimming around all over tank.
Min 4:03 Now this is just odd Rebel clown rubbing its sides on CC star. CCstar begins moving.
Min 4:10 CC star on glass Clown still following it around. (OMG please tell me my clown is not going to host a CC star lol)