Cabbage leather



Hi there,
I would like to have some since I now know how to stick it to a rock! Do you want more blue mushrooms?? BTW how are they doing anyways? Oh, I also have some hairy mushrooms if you want them instead.


the blue mushrooms are doing great,and the ery. is making itself at home. I love the color, you can see a piece I collected in the backround, not as nice as yours.
How's everyone doing your way? need more green mushrooms?
I'd love to trade for a hairy mushroom,
I can try to chip a piece of the rock off that the cabbage is on so you have a little something to work with.
thanks again


I am so happy to see the ery. doing good!!!
I don't think the green mushroom made it. I put it in the container I have floating in the 110 which has my little frags of shrooms. I have been in there to take out the bigger shrooms and I don't see it. So yes, I could use another green mushroom. I did get a leather frag from someone and it is nice and healthy. I found out today about sewing it to a rock. Before, I was just taking the thread and wrapping it around the frag and rock but it got so big that I had to keep messing with it. So, now that I can do that, you really don't need to break off a rock. Unless you really want too!! Your other polyps have opened up,too! I will get a pic out to you. Email me


Hey fishfryer if you did'nt already trade,we can double up on the package and go in half on the shipping?
Let me know if you're interested,so long-Pete


Originally Posted by pete43
I would like a piece of that if you want to trade I have a few things to frag if you are interested let me know. So long,Pete

email sent


Active Member
Dadummy, I am just getting into the hobby,but was able to pick up established 130 gallon reef (3-4) years and transfer everything including 90% of the water,all fish,clams coral etc. Anyway I live in Boynton Beach so we arent far away. Once I learn a little more I might shoot ya an e-mail about corals you would like to trade. I have alot of blue mushrooms now and a pagoda cup coral,bubble coral,tulip anenome and some other stuff. Thanks


Originally Posted by ifirefight
Dadummy, I am just getting into the hobby,but was able to pick up established 130 gallon reef (3-4) years and transfer everything including 90% of the water,all fish,clams coral etc. Anyway I live in Boynton Beach so we arent far away. Once I learn a little more I might shoot ya an e-mail about corals you would like to trade. I have alot of blue mushrooms now and a pagoda cup coral,bubble coral,tulip anenome and some other stuff. Thanks
welcome aboard, sounds like you jumped right in, shoot me an email, if you have any questions maybe i can help or steer you in the right direction, I am still new myself, good luck and hope you enjoy it as much as i have


Active Member
what LFS do you like? I was at Barrier Reef today and saw at least 8 dead fish in tanks and one fish Im pretty sure had ICK. Did not buy anything today.


it's hard around here,I usually go into west palm or broward,but don't get out too much. there's a frag swap coming up the 11th down in lauderdale. not sure if I can post names of this sites competition, so I won't , my emails I'll send you the link to the frag swap