Caclium Reactor - tuning questions


We recently installed a calcium reactor and are trying to get it dialed in. My bubbles are around 50 in 60 seconds and I have a very, very light flow out of the output.
The pH in the effulent water is 6.75.
I've noticed though that my alkalinity is a bit high (between 14 and 15 DKH) so I am concerned about this. I have increased the flow of the effulent to drop the alkalinity coming out of the calcium reactor, but do I need to do more?
Also, at night time, the pH in the tank drops to ~7.95 and during the day it's around 8.18.
Should i be concerned, or does it sound like I have this thing tuned right (finally)?


Active Member
I have had one for little over a year now and I still don't have it adjusted properly -LOL
My pH ranges 7.90 - 8.01 - It has dipped below and above the range but on average it's within the listed. On my CA R the instructions are to set an Eff at 28-60 KH. Let me say what I am routinely low on is ALk and high on CA. You can set it up for KH x Eff drip rate=CO2 bubble rate. Pick the desired KH out of Eff. Bottomline what you want is when you test the tank is to have CA and ALK balanced and test Mg. On my homepage (click my name above) then on the site click the external link "Alkalinity Vs Calcium Calculator w/Magnesium" , once on this page go to the upper right corner for help setting up a CA reactor.
I am un-trainable and can't fine tune my CA even with JDieck's very nice calculator link. I still dose once in awhile baked baking soda (Washing Soda). I haven't found washing soda in local stores, it doesn't drop pH when dosed, actually raises it a little.
I am sure you will have better luck than I....