Calc/alk imbalance - What to do?


Active Member
Alk has been at 2.5 mEq/L and Calcium at 480 mg/L for the last month.
Should I do anything about this, or will it work itself out on its own?

Oh and pH is between 7.7 and 8.0, depending on time of day.
Tank is 12 gallon Nanocube, FOWLR, with chaeto in the back, though I'm not sure how well that is 'working'.

Salt is IO, salinity 1.026. I don't dose anything.


Active Member
IO is known to mix with low calcium. Compare your test results with another kit or have someone else test for you.


Active Member
So you're saying that the calc reading is too high?
Ok, how about the alk being too low?
Also, what if that calc reading is accurate?