Ok I have a question for you all. I have a JBJ 24 g nano. I have had it going about 3 moths and all is doing well I thought. So i added some Zoo's last weekend. They hardly come out. I wentback to the LFS and they said my calcium might be low. I had not been testing that. So i bought a test kit for that and alk. My Ca seems a little low. Please let me know hwat you think and what to add.
Started with RO water and 20lbs of live rock
ph 8.3
trates trites and nh3 @0
Alk 4
Ca 210
I have made sure nothing is bugging them and I have stock 72watt pc lighting. New mh retro kit came today.
What do you all think. A little help would be great. I have
3 hermits
1 turbo (mex)
1clown goby
1 randalls shrimpgoby
They all are great.
I feed them Form frozen and add coral plankton for the zoos. is this ok too? Its what the lfs suggeted. Thanks again Mojo.
Started with RO water and 20lbs of live rock
ph 8.3
trates trites and nh3 @0
Alk 4
Ca 210
I have made sure nothing is bugging them and I have stock 72watt pc lighting. New mh retro kit came today.
What do you all think. A little help would be great. I have
3 hermits
1 turbo (mex)
1clown goby
1 randalls shrimpgoby
They all are great.
I feed them Form frozen and add coral plankton for the zoos. is this ok too? Its what the lfs suggeted. Thanks again Mojo.