calcium and alk too high


Active Member
my calcium is above 500 and alk 15.2 .i turn off my calcium reactor will it go down in couple of days i only have 8 colony of of sps, 5 clams and 4 lps. wil they absorb it in 2-5 days? i just did a water change today ph 8.2 and nitrate close to zero


Active Member
stop dosing. recheck every 24 hours until it gets to where you want it. you may want to double check how fast the ca reactor is dosing. jmo

yosemite sam

Active Member
Yes, stop dosing until you get parameters where they should be. Have you checked the water you mixed to do a water change? What is the calcium and alk of the freshly mixed saltwater? You could have a bad batch of salt mix, too. If the salt mix is ok, I would do another water change to try and bring those levels down.


Active Member
my calcium is always been high due to lack of sps on my 225 the calcium is meant for over 400 gallons .i wait another day and check again and see if my calcium and alk is where i like it


Active Member
Yeah, I don't think it will be down in 2 to 5 days. I have a feeling it will take a bit longer.
Definitely stop dosing though. Those levels are high enough.