Calcium Levels too high???


When I do a water change my Calcium lvls seem too be very high around 520ppm or so. I use the corallife salt. Should I change my salt or is this ok? Is there maybe a way to lower the lvl if so? Corals seem ok but after a few weeks they seem better. Thanks


Active Member
What are you using to test your levels? Is it possible your getting an inaccurate reading? Have you had the LFS double check your numbers or another hobbyist?


I agree with Acrylic, but I'd like to add:
When I used Coralife salt, my Calcium and Alkalinity readings were never correct. My advice, switch salts, but definitely have the LFS verify or use a Salifert Ca kit to verify.


As long as your Alk and PH are on the money you wont have a problem running your calcium that high. I would just let it be. My girlfriends tank always runs at 500 for some strange reason in her 24g and her corals do great. Usually when Calcium is high Alk is low so then yes it would be a problem. I would just keep an eye and make sure it doesnt go any higher.


Originally Posted by HAWKFISH203 http:///forum/thread/380062/calcium-levels-too-high#post_3307297
What would be a better salt to use? And I def will have LFS check it too.
Everyone has their preferred brand. I'm currently using AquaVitro Salinity by SeaChem, and honestly, I'd never go back to anything else.
Of course Tropic Marin Pro is a favorite, but IO Reef Crystals is a very popular salt that won't break the bank.


Originally Posted by btwk12 http:///forum/thread/380062/calcium-levels-too-high#post_3307502
reef crystals i never dose anything all i do is water change ebery 2 weeks
And I could say the same thing whenever I've used Tropic Marin Pro or now that I'm using AquaVitro Salinity.
If you don't intend on keeping a lot of harder to care for corals (most SPS) or tons of clams (1-3 is fine) then Reef Crystals is the best economical option. I, personally, will never switch from AquaVitro, and if they stop making it, I'm going back to Tropic Marin Pro.


I got some Reef Crystals. Only reason I got the the reef crystals is its always in my LFS. I'll hunt down the AquaVitro if I have too.


So I switched salts and my lvls are still high I think I may need to bring up my alk lvls. How would I go about doing this?