Calcium levels


I bought a Seatest calcium test kit a while ago but rarely use it.I never liked counting all the drops. I just tried it again and determined its in the 660-675 range.Is this acceptable? nothings dying or acting weird. The reason for checking is that I want to excellerate coraline growth.I have some that started to take off but stopped. I have an alkalinity test but it only shows low-high levels.I try to keep it on the high side. Is this O.K? I added some calcium a couple of days ago after a water change.I also use Aragamilk.Is it safe to use it everyday like the bottle states?The hard corals I have are a Bubble,Plate,Sun,Candycane.
P.S. Anyone know a good test kit for Calcium,Phosphate and Alkalinty?Preferably in a kit?


Active Member
Salifert kits are some of the best. I would imagine your alk is low causing a high calcium. Do some water changes to get everything back in line and get a salifert alk test kit so you can watch your alk along with the calcium.