calcium levels


do you guys think lots of crushed coral and whole shells in the tank will do much to maintain calcium levels? I supplement some, but Im not big on testing.


Active Member
THe crushed coral is more keeping pH stable or rather buffering it. I don't really think it will release any calcium into the tank. Really depends on freguency of water changes and bran of salt that you use. If you have clams they will suck the calcium out of the water, if it's a FOWLR then I would't worry about it.


I have quite a bit of crustaceans, no clams, couple of sps', 120 gallon (170 total system), use instant ocean salt. change about 15% a month (I know should do more), but only three damsels and a clown in the system. Like I say, I supplement, but don't test. how much should I worry about overshooting, i guess is my biggest question.


Active Member
Target levels are something like 425 for the calcium and dKH of 8-12 and a pH of 8.1-8.3... I test my dKH and Ca levels every few days If calcium levels get to high it will start to percipitate or "snow" inside the tank...Remember that Calcium and dKH go hand and hand, one effects the other..


Active Member
Carefull that you don't get the "sterile" tank syndrom, i'd add a few more fish to the tank. I was having some issues with my SPS not coloring up and found that a combination of adding more fish (more fish poop) and better MH bulbs dramatically changed the SPS colors.


I've been told that the regular Instant Ocean is lousy for corals, you need to be sure to use the Reef one, although it's been suggested to me there are better brands, I am now using Tropic Marin.


what does FOLWR mean? So, do you think I have a danger of overshooting and causing harm by not testing?