calcium meter again!!!!!!!!!!!



(from another posting place)thanks for the responce.
also found the hanna site as well as some scientific supply houses etc.
let me clarify my position,my "totality" in
regards to fish is simply fresh water,little
maintainence etc.
someone in the subfacet of reef tanks has told me that if my talents of technical
issue were to produce a calcium probe with
a range of 0-500 ppm that he would make me
a "rich man".
so this is one aveneue of investigation on
part to--establish a general level of interest to those who would be desiring such
a device--
test strips and the like,are not my preference in the use thereof.
based on the lack of responces that have been
given,(two total-yours inclusive),there is
little desire or demand for such a device,and
that (again based on those frequenting this
site)---it would not be in my interest to
persue any further into the issue"
this is not to say of me to compleatly close
my eyes to this though.
going to post this message on the other msg. boards as well--to see the responces.