Calcium Monitors????


Hey I think I posted this a while ago but don't think I got much response.. I am gonna give it another shot..
Does anyone out there know if a monitor (pen type or probe like) tester exists for Calcium level of a tank. I really can't stand putting drop after drop of testing fluid in and waiting after each drop until it turns blue.. I feel like I am giving my tank a pregnacy test...
If one does not exist. Can someone point me in the direction of a very accurate and somewhat simple test for Calcium.
Thank you,


I don't get it.. I try to actively post where ever I can.. Does no one find this topic intresting enough to comment on it.. I thought that many people would want such a monitor. Guess not.. I guess I will have to look elsewhere for help


Most don"t need one. Once you establish how fast or slow your reef utilizes calcium it doesn't require constant monitoring. Let me be clearer on that comment for you, I mean you can test once a week or week and a half instead of every other day. I pointed you towards a very accurate and easy test for calcium in your first post on this subject. If nobody else replied it's probably because they agree with my reply. Insulting people won't help. I know this for a fact, read my apolgy to Clayton. I was pissed off about the whaling off my coast and smarted off to Clayton. I was wrong and felt others were alittle turned off towards me. A good attitude keeps things friendly.


Yes... I know all about keeping everything friendly.. I did not at any time insult or get angry towards anyone.. I think you would agree.... I know all about maintaining a friendly demenor on BB's and proper chat etiquette. I insulted no one and only did comment on the lack of responses for a post that I found to be about an important subject... I will leave it at that....


Whatever. Read your reply to me on "Stop the gurgling". You were being a smart ass.