Calcium percipitation


New Member
How do I know if I have created a problem with too much calcium?
Here’s what’s happening:
90 Gal tank set up in July 135 lbs of LR
After a month when cycle was finished started dosing with ESV B-ionic, Equal parts of Alk and Calc.
Calc started at 350 and is now around 375m but I can’t get it over 400.
About a month ago I added a sump (29gal tank ½ partitioned with 65lbs LS and Aragonite.
During the past 3+ weeks I’ve noticed very fine white particles floating in the take. Lots of them, they make the take almost look cloudy.
Any suggestions would be really helpful!


Active Member
If it was a calcium related problem, you would see a cloud and not particles.
I would first suspect your sand bed being disturbed. Maybe a crab or fish moving it..