calcium problem???


ok, so im not sure im even posting this in the right thread, but i have a 50 gallon tank with a few small fish, and about 4 shrimp, along with several hermits and snails, ok so i was going to put a bit of purple up in my water to raise my calcuim, and i guess i was at the end of the bottle, about 2 capfulls of concentrated calcium came out, which turned the water quite cloudy, if i have no corals, and only 2 fish, 4 shrimp, 3 crabs, and a bunch of hermits and snails, should i be worried? can calcium kill a fish? and i do not have a calcium test kit i just ran out. i have not used this purple up for a few months, and as far as salt i am using instant ocean, so my levels were quite low to begin with, (around the low 300 range)


Staff member
Start doing daily water changes with aged well mixed saltwater, until the problem resolves. BTW, the only reason to dose with calcium is if you have hard corals. Otherwise, not really needed.


I use it in conjunction with calcium adn iodine additions. It turns cloudy but goes away soon. It is supposed to. Don't worry about water changes, otherwise what is the point of supplementing, but dont rely on urple u=p to up your calcium levels, it only "revives unused calcium adn iodine" As well, if you are keeping soft corals like sarcophytum and such, additional iodine should be supplemented as they suck it up like nobodies business. I use PU every third day and supplement daily (except the third day) calcium, adn iodine. My Calcium is a bit high though usually around 470.