Calcium Products


New Member
I want to start puting calcium in my tank and I'm not sure what to buy. I've been told the B-Ionic stuff is pretty good and I've also been told the Kent drip system is good. I have no clue what the difference is or which one is better. Any thoughts on this?


Active Member
The first thing I would recommend is that you get Salifert test kits for Ca and Alk, they are the only accurate test kits I have ever used and much much easier to read.
There are a few options in adding calcium, but you first must know your pH, alk, and Ca level because these are all related and adjusting one can throw the others out of wack.
Kent's liquid calcium is the easiest to use, but I believe it can throw your other levels out of balance.
the two part additives (b ionic) will probably be your best bet, easiest to use.
YOu may want to look into Kalkwassser, I use it and like it the best, but it has to be dripped in, so you need to read up on it before trying to use it. there is a thread, dripping kalkwasser 101 do a search for it.


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by morourke
I want to start puting calcium in my tank and I'm not sure what to buy. I've been told the B-Ionic stuff is pretty good and I've also been told the Kent drip system is good. I have no clue what the difference is or which one is better. Any thoughts on this?

I agree that before doing anything check to see where your calcium is actually at.
A good substrait will buffer calcium so you may not need to add any. I recently added crushed oyster shells to my filter box and over several weeks calcium has risen from 250-300ppm to over 400ppm. So there other options in most tanks to doseing and dripping kalk. But then my system has a low calcium load also.