Calcium question, please help, very long


OK, we have read about the relationship for calcium: ph, alk, and magnesium levels. As in my previous "test kit" post, we do not have magnesium test and are looking for recommendations on the test kit.
We just tested for calcium, alk, and ph: 400, ~2.3, and 8.2. I use approximate because our test kit is Red Sea and our Alk chart goes from 0-1.6=low (yellow color to light green), 1.7-2.8=normal (light green to light blue), and 2.9-3.6=high (light blue to dark blue). Our green falls in the middle of the normal. Calcium for red sea goes in steps from 400-450 and it changed on the 4th drop.
Our concerns: Tank started on 1/4/08. We started testing for calcium on 1/10 it was 350 and Alk was 3.6. We have been adding Kent Calcium reactor (evenings as directed for tank size) and purple up, one cap in am and pm (56 gallon tank) since 1/10. We did this until 1/29 when calcium increased to 400 and alk was still on the high side at 2.9.
-On 2/4 we tested again and calcium was 450, alk dropped to 2.2. We then added Red Sea buffer, strontium and iodine (way less than recommended).
-On 2/9 we tested again: calcium 450, alk was again around 2.2 (half way between the "normal"), ph has been consistant around 8.2 (again, another complaint on red sea it is hard to determine the purple).
-On 2/10 we added kent pro buffer per instructions (1 1/2 cap for 56 gallon), purple up, and seachem Iodide and stronium (1 cap) in the AM (I know, we do not have test kit and should not add this, but my reading has suggested adding this is OK as long as you do not over do it).
-On 2/11 we decided to stop adding purple up.
Now here we are on 2/14 with a drop in calcium and still a low alk. Any suggestions?????????? Reading the post "another way to look at calcium...", the atm comparison, suggest that clumping of sand is one sign to be concerned about the buffering and overall "balance". We are seeing that now, but also added power heads on 2/9 that have been blowing sand.
Sorry for the long post, just do not want to deal with the consequences of a calcium crash! Thanks for the advise, we are trying to learn, but all the information is sometimes an overload and you are better off just asking!


Active Member
Not bad for a new tank. I'm curious of why your parameters were low from the beginning. Where do you get your water from? Lfs? Some salt mixes have poor levels of certain parameters. With a low calcium, I'm guessing Instant Ocean salt. Before I let any water(mixed by me and not the snot-nosed kit at the lfs) near my tanks I test everything. If something is out of balance it's easier to correct while mixing.


Originally Posted by coraljunky
Not bad for a new tank. I'm curious of why your parameters were low from the beginning. Where do you get your water from? Lfs? Some salt mixes have poor levels of certain parameters. With a low calcium, I'm guessing Instant Ocean salt. Before I let any water(mixed by me and not the snot-nosed kit at the lfs) near my tanks I test everything. If something is out of balance it's easier to correct while mixing.
You are absolutely correct! We use Instant Ocean. We started the tank with...yes tap water, but now have a RO/DI unit. Once we started getting evaporation, I was buying RO water from Walmart to tap off. Until then, we let the water sit with a sterilizer and treated with Prime. We have been using RO/DI water since 1/29.
We have not done a water change yet would you recommend it at 1 1/2 months?


Originally Posted by coraljunky
Reef tank?
Sorry, yes it is a reef tank. We (purchased cheap from local folks) have a toad stool, frogspawn, various mushrooms, and a kenyi tree. We also just purchased a rock from LFS with som small zoos. We have 2 ocular (sp?) clowns, maroon clown, and a six line wrasse. These were added on Feb. 3. We also have had a clean up crew of 8 turbo's 5-6 red leg, 2 emeralds, sand sifting star, and 4 peppermint shrimp. The shrimp are becoming a pain, they are eating our starfish, ever heard of that?


Active Member
Originally Posted by trish&dave
You are absolutely correct! We use Instant Ocean. We started the tank with...yes tap water, but now have a RO/DI unit. Once we started getting evaporation, I was buying RO water from Walmart to tap off. Until then, we let the water sit with a sterilizer and treated with Prime. We have been using RO/DI water since 1/29.
We have not done a water change yet would you recommend it at 1 1/2 months?
I also use Instant ocean. I add 6 tsp of Turbo calcium for every 30g of mixed water. To each there own on water changes. I do 10% weekly on all of my tanks when needed. I try not to use any added chemicals EXCEPT B-Ionic 2 part dosing, due to the demands of my tanks.


Originally Posted by coraljunky
I also use Instant ocean. I add 6 tsp of Turbo calcium for every 30g of mixed water. To each there own on water changes. I do 10% weekly on all of my tanks when needed. I try not to use any added chemicals EXCEPT B-Ionic 2 part dosing, due to the demands of my tanks.
Thanks SO much for your responses! Would you do a water change with a new tank? I would not mind cleaning a few dead spots out.