Calcium Question


My calcium has always stayed around 340-380ppm so I started to dose calcium. When I first dosed the next day calcium went to 440 wich is where I want it, then the next day it went down to 380 so I dosed again trying to figure out the right amount for my tank & the next day it was at 340ppm? I dosed again & it only goes up to 380ppm max??? I have been at it for over a week & the day after I started was is highest but Ive been doseing every day so why cant I get the level back to 440 with the same dose? My ph is 8 in the morning & 8.2 at night. Is the calcium being used that fast because its high? What should I do?


I didnt think but maybe I should have posted in the reef forums. Anyway I dose in the morning then test the next morning befor I dose again. I have been useing Reef calcium(maintains calc) but have switched to reef complete to raise calcium. I want to see what happens with it now. I have alk buffer & I want to start doseing magnesium I also have buffer for ph. I am buying some corals ,red flowerpot (goniopora) is it hard to keep? Hammer coral & blue mushrooms I thought this should keep me busy. Any advise would be helpfull.


Active Member
Do you test for alkalinity and magnesium? If so, what are those levels? They are both essential to test when fiddling with calcium.


My alk is at 10.7dkh I have just orderd a magnesium test kit no one in town has one? I do understand that calc & alk go hand in hand, if calc is to high then alk is to low but where does the magnesium fit in? Does magnesium affect any other levels? Oh my phosphates are 0.


Active Member
If your magnesium is too low, it does not matter how much you dose your alk and calcium, they will always continue to drop down.
I can never find a Salifert magnesium test locally. I always have to order mine online.


I have magnesium to dose, so do all three work together or is magnesium untouched buy calc & alk when doseing them? Should I have my calc at 440 & my alk at? before I does mag, if I need to dose mag?


Active Member
Well, that is good that you have magnesium on-hand, but I would not dose it until you have a test kit to monitor it.
Magnesium is untoched by calcium and alkalinity, but your corals also use up magnesium.
A calcium at 440 is very good, and a dkH between 8-12 is ideal.