Calcium Reactor ????????s


Active Member
I just built a Kalkreactor and have some extra acrylic tubing that I'd like to use. I'm interested in a dual chamber Calcium Reactor unit. I really don't understand the ins/outs of this thing. Can someone help me out?
1. How does water get introduced into the reactor?
2. Where does CO2 get injected?
3. Where do you measure the bubble count from?
4. Where is the out placed?
5. Are both chambers filled with Argonite?
I drew up a picture. Need comments, please.


Active Member
That was great, thanks. Any comments on my design?
I'm still a little curious about a couple things:
1. What do you put in the second chamber for de-gassing?
2. Mix water in chamber from bottom-up or top-down?
3. If I am using a Peristaltic pump to add water to the chamber does it have to be introduced through the pump intake or can be added to the top of chamber 1?