calcium reactor


ok i just installed my cal reactor in my tank. my cal is at a 450 mark but my alk. dropped to 3.8. should i be worried? does anyone know about reactors breaking in period?i did ph is 7.8 at night. thanks.


Active Member
I always recomend that you get your alk & calcium where you want it before you start your reactor. It is a lot easier to dial it in that way. Your best bet is to use some Kent Super PRO DKH and get your alk up to where you want it (ex Ca -450 Alk -11 DKH). Next, figure out your CO2 bubbles per/ minute (BPM) and your effluent drip / per minute and record it. The next day measure your CA & Alk again. If your CA & Alk have dropped you will have to increase your BPM just a little then test it again the next day... and so on until is stays in the same place you want it consisantly every day. If your CA & Alk have increased you will have to decrease your BPM just a little then test it again the next day... and so on until is stays inthe same place you want it consisantly. If it is the same (450 & 11dkh) leave your BMP & effluent alone and test again the next day and just tweak it or leave it alone until you get it to stay in the same place every day.