Calcium reactors and dosing machines


If you have a calcium reactor, do you need a kalwasser doser? Or vice versa.
Has anyone used Innovative Aquatics "The Captain" doser?

richard rendos

Active Member
I have a calcium reactor and don't dose anything but iodine once a week. My calcium maintains 460-480 and alk around 3 - 3.2 meq/L.


Richard, thank you for the response.
Anyone else with thoughts. Calcium reactor better idea than a doser???

david s

the nice part about a kalkreactor is doseing kalk wich will lower your phospate that can build with a calcuim reactor some run both I run a kalkreactor only some run just calcuim reactor it is a matter of choice If you have a heavy calcuim tank I would recomend the calcuim over kalk or both


I would use a calcium reactor. it doses everything corals are made out of. Kalkreactors are fine. I like to do both= high calcium demand or reactor is to small. I would only dose calcium and buffer. IME maitaining cal,alk ph is all thats needed. Dosing all that trace when you can't test it accuatly imo is a waste if you feed good foods everyday.= foods are full of trace. But regardless of what you do a calcium reactor is the best IME. I can maintain my calcium alk levels the closes with only that. Nothing else I've done made it easy. Sure I may need to add turbo or buffer every once in awhile= not keeping up on my reactor maintance. But overall it's the easier for me.


Thanks again to everyone for their input. As usual I feel more confident about my tank and what I do with when I get several opinions.