

I have checked my calcium, and I faithfully do my once a month water changes. My calcium is at 380. How do I safely raise it. I have learned on this web site that if my calcium is low my LR color wont be sooo good. Is this true, and how do I safley raise it.
55 gal. 90 LR, 65cc sterilizer, protien skimmer, 350 magnum filter, wave maker, 2 power heads, polishing filter, sailfin tang, 2 domino damsels, 3 false perculas, 1 cin.clown, 1 yellow tail, 1 devel damsel, 1 cleaner wrasse, 1 man. goby, 1 scooter blennie, 9 turbo snails, 2 ?small crabs, 1 yellow head jaw fish, 6 peppermint shrimp.


do you use any other means of getting calcium into your tank? i use b-ionics#1 & #2 and my l/r looks great. you can also use a kalkwasser on a drip to increase the calcium. i don't think the calcium in the salt your using is going to be enough just by doing water changes.get your level up to about 450


your calcium isn't real far off.. it should be at least a minimum of 400. There are many products out there that will raise it. What kind of salt do you use 1st? All salts aren't created it's true though there are some that do better than others. That would be a good start considering you need to do water changes anyway right? If you could possibly raise your CA level with just your salt then no need for additives.