

Greetings all,
Okay I'm not going to try to cause too much comotion on this one, but what is calcium in a slaltwater aquarium and what are its purpose(s) the benefits of it, how high or how low should the levels be measured at and which test(s) are recommnded?
Many thanks go out to those who have responded to my newcomer questions. Thanks to all of you my aquarium is really starting to take off!


Calcium is used by many inverts to make their shells, such as snails. Also, "hard" corals use calcium to grow their skeleton. It even helps promote growth of coraline algae. Calcium should be somewhere between 400-500ppm. In a reef aquarium it is important to measure alkalinity as well, which is also used by hard corals. I believe most people agree that Salifert is the best (affordable) test kit. If your calcium is low you can "dose" with products like Reef Complete Calcium by Seachem.


Okay thanks for that tad bit of information. Sounds like calcium is calcium! Saltwater aquarium or not. Thanks.