

does any one use a calcium reactor or just dose calcium supplements.
what is the best way to go, and is one better than the other

i am moving from a 75 to 180 and am dosing at this point but would like to go to a reactor if it makes a difference.


In the long run having a calcium reactor is probably cheaper but there are risks involved with running them. I personally don't run one and just dose 2 part.


If you can get a complete set up with a controller than go with a reactor. I does my top off water with Pickling Lime so my calcium always stays high


Originally Posted by bmkj02
If you can get a complete set up with a controller than go with a reactor. I does my top off water with Pickling Lime so my calcium always stays high
thanks i need to do set up some sort of top off system as well and it seems to be alot cheaper to dose.
agan thanks


how do you regulate the amount of pickling lime you use per gal. or what is the, lime to water ratio.


Originally Posted by 242bats
how do you regulate the amount of pickling lime you use per gal. or what is the, lime to water ratio.

i have a 2.5 gal aquadose and i put in 4 teaspoons of the ms wages lime and stir it up and let it sit for a while then i drip 1-3 drops per sec. or to match my evaporation.
If you go look a seachem website i think it shows what the mix is for there kalkwasser. I did give up on the kalkwasser cause of the calcification build up on my pumps now i just use reef advantage calcium and put 2 teaspoons every 2 weeks and my ca levels stay good and my corals seem to like it better! I think the kalk over time will lower your alk. and lower your magnesium. Some people tend to better luck then others?