Calcuim Emergency


Ok so i know people are going to yell at me for this, i know what i did isnt ideal, im looking for solutions not harassment <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" />
Here's what i did. I mixed kalkwasser like i usually do in a conatiner, let the dust settle for 8 hrs, and let it drip into my tank while i was out. Unfortunately, the tube fell down into the "calcium sludge" that settled out of solution, and sucked a good deal of it into my tank. I did a water change (40% or so) and the pH is still high...what now besides more water changes? My xenia are pissed. <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />


Active Member
How big is your tank ?
How much of this "kalk-sludge" do you estimate you added ?
What is your pH ?
What is your alkalinity level ?
What is your calcium level ?
By adding the sludge ( calcium carbonate and unmixed calcium hydroxide ) I agree that your pH should be higher .... and I would imagine you also will notice a decline in your alkalinity, and total calcium and magnesium levels too.
At this point - I would continue doing smaller water changes over the next couple few weeks to lower the pH and allow your chemistry to balance out.
I would not try and add anything to the tank to bring down just the pH.
I would try to bring all of the tankwater parameters back into line by doing water changes.