Cali Ray


I picked up a baby female cali ray about 2 months ago, and today I found a baby male about the same age. They're only about 4 inches in diameter. Anyone have any luck with mating and raising babies? I'm not sure if they readily mate in captivity. I know I have a while to wait, but I was just curious.


Well Tony, you've been around long enough to know the animals don't read "the book"
We'll see what happens, they're still pretty young. The new male ate from my hand tonight, so far so good.

tony detroit

Active Member
Ahh, well good to hear it's eating. Mine took almost 10days, I thought I was going to lose her when I first bought her.


Active Member
How long have you guys had your Cali Rays. They don't reach sexual maturity until they are about 3 years old, so they may not be mature yet. I don't see why they would be very hard to raise since they are normally born around 3-4 inches in diameter.... The same size as you often see sold.
edit- That may also be the reason why everyone typically always seems to have females... They may not have developed claspers yet. Just a thought.


I've only had my female for a couple of months. She's about 3.5 inches in diameter. I just got my male yesterday and he's about 4 inches in diameter. His claspers are definitely there. Breeding them would just be a bonus. I just enjoy the heck out of them, very interactive. The male ate from my hand the night I got him.

tony detroit

Active Member
Mine is the size of a small frisbee, so I think she is mature, but I guess maybe not, she hasn't grown much recently though and I feed her as much as she can eat every nite, nobody goes hungry when I'm feeding.


Active Member
My male is about 6" across, and the female is about 4" across. The little one loves to follow him around in the tank when they swim. No matter where he goes the female is never more than 2-3" away. Ive had mine about 2 months for both.


Active Member
I think last night I saw one or two of those worm things again. No clue on what to try now. I have the name of a few medications, but no vet to issue a script.