Calling All 55 Reef Tanks!


I would really love to see some pics of some of your 55's! Im thinking about setting one up and would really enjoy getting some ideas about fish/ corals/ aquascaping and equipment.
So please show of your tanks and if possible list your system ands livestock.
Thanks a bunch!


Active Member

Royal gramma
6 line wrasse
2 false percs
pygmy angel
green clown goby
randalls goby
pistol shrimp
sexy shrimp
cleaner shrimp
I run a coral life skimmer. And HOB filter.My lighting is nova extreme 4x54 watts.
I have 60 lbs of LR and 2 inch sandbed. No sump.




Left Side

Montipora Digitata

Candy Cane

2-Maroon Clowns
Sixline Wrasse
Cherub (Pygmy) Angel
Scooter Blennie
Yellow Clown Goby
Turbos, Nassariuss, Red Hermits


Active Member
heres one from like february. its the most recent pic i have of my tank, maybe i should update it a little
. aquascape is the same, a lot of new coral though.


Originally Posted by saltfish123
need a bigger tank................. someone had to say it
i would say a lot of ppls already did say that


These are older photo's. I really need to upload some new ones. I' ve got about 10lbs more live rock. Making a total of about 95lbs or so. Maybe 50lbs of sand, and a 29g sump tank.

Full tanks shots.

4-4" 120cfm Fans keeping the 2-175w Hamilton Pendants cool. One blowing in the side, one blowing out the other side, and two blowing up.

I have to cut my grass almost every two weeks.

I have a Excaliber Skimmer.
A rio 17 or 20 hf return pump.
two maxijet 1200's
two Hamilton Pendants
Titanium heater with separate thermostat.
cheap rotating power heads
And top off pumps, tanks, timers, you name it.


Originally Posted by Threed240
These are older photo's. I really need to upload some new ones. I' ve got about 10lbs more live rock. Making a total of about 95lbs or so. Maybe 50lbs of sand, and a 29g sump tank.

Full tanks shots.

4-4" 120cfm Fans keeping the 2-175w Hamilton Pendants cool. One blowing in the side, one blowing out the other side, and two blowing up.

I have to cut my grass almost every two weeks.

I have a Excaliber Skimmer.
A rio 17 or 20 hf return pump.
two maxijet 1200's
two Hamilton Pendants
Titanium heater with separate thermostat.
cheap rotating power heads
And top off pumps, tanks, timers, you name it.
That is a beautiful stand and canopy


here is my 55. alot has changed now this picture is 3 months old
alot more growth, tank is 8 months old in picture

if you want updated pictures let me know