Calling all Clown Trigger owners!



What company do you have with your clowns? And do you guys clean your substrate by hand or have a star or goby? I can't see a goby lasting too long but maybe a sifting star? Thanks


My trigger picks off most invertabrates, and fish smaller, that it. So i have a gravel cleaner that i use to spihon water out of the tank, for water changes. So then i just poke the end of the siphon into the substrate, and it cleans it. (though IMO it works much better with gravel than sand.)


Active Member
well.. me 4'' clown triggier is in a agressive tank... so he feel like home... and the substrate cleaning.. well.. my sand dont really get dirty anymore.. i had a crazy cyano problem befor when i first had my LS.. but it just went away on it's own like.. (guess they ate all there po4 and cant come back because lack of food??)..
anyhow... i have about 20.. snails in my tank.. they dont really clean much because they only come out afther the light is out.. i introduces them into my tank at night afther my fish slept.. so they can kinda get established ... when i woke up.. only a few snails where there dead.. but most where ok.. ( they dug themself a home and only come out at night now)... guess the surviving snails are kinda smart and know the rutine of my tank...
ohh and forgot to say.. this was the 2nd try at it.. the first time i tried.. it was in daylight...... lets say of the 40 or soo snails i droped in... only 7 or soo lived...


Anyone have any problems(getting nibbled on)while having hands in the tank. I was thinking on a wrasse with the trigger. I like the aggressor idea but will these two constantly fight or have enough respect for each other and mind their own buisness? We have a Niger in a community tank and have zero problems. We got him very little with a hippo and put them in at the same time. 1 goby,2 clowns,1 hippo,1 niger and the last fish was a powder blue. Whenever the Niger gets near the clownfish she zips over to him and pushes him into the LR. The only aggression in this tank was shown once by the powder blue; she chased the banded goby into his house and swatted her tail at him but thats it. Thanks


Active Member
.... i have a agressive tank.. well it's actuallty a fowlr.... i have 2 triggers ,2 wrasse,1 powder brown,1 juvi emp.... and a few more mis fits... they are in a 155 bowfront and they get along perdy nice.. a fight here and there but thats about it....
ohh and about that power blue.. swatting the other fish with it's tail... that is not too good of a thing... they have poison stingers in the back of there tail and can really hurt other fish...


Active Member
ohh and that getting nibble on thing... territorial fish tend to do that.. i had a clown fish that will bit me as soon as i stick my hand into the right side of my tank.. they a mean for there size.. damsals do this also... but i have yet to get bitten by any of my agressive fish yet.. except for when i hand feed them.. ( i can hold ghost shrimps between my fingers and they will come and eat it out of them.. sometimes bitting my pingers to get the last bit

shark bait

To funny, i have two chunks missing from my fingers, my trigger planed an attack on me, and oh ya it hurt. I like to take the frozen foods and feed the fish , so some times i get a small welcome. This helpes with the mess they make and cut down on food use and $$ for wasted foods. So BTW A good halquin wrass of good size would go with the trigger, also a good puffer, i have a golden and a large lion, if the trigger is not to crazy. Watch your heater and other cords in the tank, and check you seals every week, clowns can decide to eat silicone. Have fun with that. :happy:


Yeah we were thinking about the puffer idea; but heard they are very ich prone. Also wormy? Also don't some of them give off a poisin from they're skin? I have a book with over 500 species and detail about every one. I love the clown trigger but alot more work is involved without a clean up crew. Thanks still debating?


Active Member
A trigger is a natural predator of any seastar...not to mention your sand sifter star would most likely die of starvation anyway. I don't recommend them.