Calling all Coralife superskimmer owners (important, please read)


Active Member
I would just like to share something that has happened to me and my superskimmer 65g.
First, I lost my big O ring that goes under the collection cup. This caused my unit to slowly leak water. Then, the red knob that controls the level of the skim began to leak. I have had this product since Dec of 2005, so almost a year.
I emailed coralife and told them about the product, but I never told them how long I have had the unit. I was asking how I can get a new O ring. They emailed me right back and they simply said that the unit probaly could not be fixed and that if I would fax or email my receipt they would send me a brand new unit.
I have emailed my receipt and I am waiting a reply. But at least right now, I am very satisfied with thier service. I asked for a replacement O ring and I am getting a replacement product.
:cheer: :jumping:


There is little debate that Coralife has some of the best customer support in ANY industry.
The adjustment knob leaking would be a huge problem that you have no control over. The O-ring under the collection cup is a different story. If you are removing the cup to empty it, STOP!!! The cup doesn't need to be removed to empty the contents. The fact that the O-ring is vulnerable to damage if the cup was removed often was the very first observation I made when I got my CSS 125.
I suck out the contents of the collection cup with a turkey baster and pour it into a plastic bowl that has now dedicated its life to this one single function. Pour the contents of the bowl into your toilet and flush. Repeat as often as necessary.
ONLY remove the cup when it is dirty enough to require a thorough cleaning. Every time you go to reattach the cup, pay VERY close attention to the O-ring. It needs to be wet to seal correctly. It can also slip out a bit when you are putting the cup back down, pinching the rubber and making it worthless as a seal.


That's great to know!!!

I am running a coralife SS on all 3 of my tanks and have had great luck with them. The only complaint I would have is that the dang bubble diffuser box is freakin' huge. Other than that, I recommend them to anybody because the bang for buck is so fantastic.


Active Member
I love my coralife, but I'm not sure if I can suck that gunk out w/a turkey baster!!! I have a weak stomach.


Active Member
yeh they have great customer service ,when my needle wheel pump burnt up and killed everything in my tank they said oh well


Active Member
i have never had better customer svc from any one like ESU/coralife has. If thier poduct fails they will replace it, maybe charge s/h but thats the all i have ever had to pay.
I love ESU/coralife, wish some of the products were a bit better but for the most part you can not knock them.


Originally Posted by alyssia
I love my coralife, but I'm not sure if I can suck that gunk out w/a turkey baster!!! I have a weak stomach.

LOL Just put a clothes pin on your nose and have at it. Just make sure that you avoid getting to aggressive when you pump the turkey baster into the bowl so that you don't splash it. Trust me, you really won't get a good wiff of the stench at all until you pour it out in your toilet. Why that is, I don't know.
The O-ring between the cup and chamber is such a thin and weak link that I won't risk damaging it and causing a leak by removing the cup to empty it all the time.


I don't have to remove my cup unless I am cleaning it. I attached 4.5' of tubing to the collection cup. Made a hole in the lid of a 1g plastic container, inserted the other end of the tube in this hole. I remove the lid and empty the container when needed.


Active Member
Thanks for the tip. can anybody tell me how to make my corallife 65gallon drain into another container? I don't think that it comes with a hole. Can I drill one?


Active Member
I take the cups off my skimmers all the time and never once have had a problem, just one of those little things in life where you always make a mental note to check the make sure the ring is in place, plus I could really care less if it were to leak as the whole skimmer sits in my sump, I don't even turnt he skimmer off when I remove the cup and water spills over the side.


Active Member
I use a super skimmer, and I love mine it works great. I like the many options for set up. the only thing I dont like about it is having sponges in the bubble trap. I dont use any sponges in my system except in the overflow when I am feeding to catch extra food, and I take it out immidiatly after. but since its behind the baffles in my sump I dont even use the bubble trap so its a moot point. Just wanted to say I love mine.


Active Member
Originally Posted by KrazeKajin
Thanks for the tip. can anybody tell me how to make my corallife 65gallon drain into another container? I don't think that it comes with a hole. Can I drill one?


New Member
how can you contact coralife? my ceramic shaft that fits in the needle wheel pump broke. i need a new one and can't find one anywhere.


Active Member
The only way the red adjustment knob will leak is if its not setup correctly, however, coralife has revamped that knob quite awile back and it is now sealed with an oring, and its virtually leak prooof no matter how you set up the skimmer. If yu stil get a skimmer that leaks at the knob, odds are its one that has been laying on someones stock shelf for awhile and yopu just happened to be the lucky person that it ws shipped to. All it takes is a call to coralife and talk to Roland and he will ensure you get the new modified body at no charge.
There simply is not anay reason that the cup can not be removed or reinstalled and not leak if a little common sense is used. Thats the basic concept of the oring and large red retaining ring. If you screw it up and loose the oring or do not ensure its in the groove, well thats simply not paying attention and certainly no fault of Coralifes. Its more than the standard ot attaching all kind sof items together and having a leak proof connection in lots of products in todays world form boats to aircraft top plumbing to fish equipment. It can not be any simpler to do.


Originally Posted by hooktonfsh
That's great to know!!!

I am running a coralife SS on all 3 of my tanks and have had great luck with them. The only complaint I would have is that the dang bubble diffuser box is freakin' huge. Other than that, I recommend them to anybody because the bang for buck is so fantastic.
i had the same problem with the difuser box being so large - what i did was remove it completly and added some pvc with a couple of 45's and formed a tee - just resting at the waters surface to allow flow - you can even add a few more 90's to the ends a create your own directional flow if you have any surface dead areas. helps to eliminate a lot of micro bubbles also now that the return flow is at the surface. my super skimmer really works great for me - especially since i previously owned a Sea Clone. no comparison between the two as far as performance. the 65 does not have a drain but can easily be added with a plastic 90 and a piece of tubbing . i would suggest at least 3/8 in size to help stop restrictions.